The year was 1998. It was a Monday morning, 8:28 a.m. to be exact. 6,205 days ago.
We didn't know each other, but the connection we had was if we had known each other forever. Like we were meant to be together.
I fell in love with all 9 lbs, 3 oz., 20 1/2 inches of my sweet baby girl and that love has grown every single day since.
Just look how this love has grown!!!
The McCaughey Septuplets happened to still be in the news on this day of Love at First Sight. But my world-news revolved around being mama to you, and your brother.
And as it turns out, you are very much like your mama. That could explain a lot of head-butting that goes on in our relationship. I'd like to think that this isn't a bad thing; that we both are growing because of it.
But anyway, sweet baby girl, YOU are the one who was there when I experienced a "love at first sight" moment.
I love and treasure every single moment since then.
I realize you are counting down the next 365 days. I get that.
I am too. 18 has always been sort of a "deadline" for making sure I have done my job as mama. But now that you are here, I realize I have done what I set out to do over 6,000 days ago. Now it is up to you. I also know that I will never be "done" being mama. My role just changes.
AND I will continue to treasure each moment. Because love at first sight is love at first sight.
I guess what I am trying to say is:
Happy 17th Birthday, Marz!
Love, Mama
"Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart"
~Luke 2:51
P.S. Your birthday gift is what you asked for.