Thursday, March 17, 2011

we interrupt this blog-cast...

We interrupt this blogcast for a routine test....
Rest assured that this is only a test
Designed specifically for the blogsite author
To question her sanity
And ask herself important questions
That are not unlike
Those that require looking into a mirror.

Should an this be an actual sanity questioning emergency
Viewers would be given specific instructions
For the proper procedure
In following the blog
In question.

We apologize for the momentary break
In blogcast programming
And promise to resume
With the normal nonesense
You've become accustomed to. 

Just kidding.
It's been a long day.
And not the first time in the last couple of weeks
Where I am asking myself:
Am I a hard person to talk to?
I didn't think I was.
But am I somehow coming off that way?
Or maybe it isn't me at all. 

And now,
We return to our normal blogsite programming
Already in progress.

I love when I can spring my insanity on totally unsuspecting blog surfers
And local pharmacies!
(i know you are out there!)

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