This is a repeat post from last year.
This summer looks pretty similar, minus a couple of details here, sprinkling a few over there, still packing lunches and spending hours on end at the ballpark.
Hope you are enjoying your summer.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting me here at Write-On, Mom!
Nothing says "I love you" like a turkey & cheese sandwich with mayo and mustard.
Or so I'm told.
The Wildcat has been putting in 40 hours a week at his summer job. He leaves there and heads off to baseball every night. He dresses for three teams.
I'm sorta proud of this kid.
Earlier this month, I told him I would pack him a cooler and drop it off to him. I did exactly that. When I approached the dugout he looked at me like "what are you doing here?"
Not the reaction I had hoped for. I handed him his lunch and walked away. And held back my tears.
The next game I did the same thing.
And the next game.
And the next.
His reaction quickly changed over the course of the month. And I actually got a "Thanks, mama. I love you."
Did you read that?
He said it. In the dugout. With team and coaches present.
I handed him his cooler and walked away. And held back my tears.
Yesterday the Wildcat told me that in between games, one of his teammates said "Nathan, your mom must love you."
"Why's that?" he wondered.
"She always makes you a big lunch for your games."
"Ya. She does."
Be still my heart....I do.
I'm adding this to my "Mama Bible":
And this is how you will know thy mama's love for you:
by the contents of thy lunchbox
Which overfloweth with Turkey and Cheese
PB & J
Fruit Snacks, Gatoraide
All of that
and a bag of chips