Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Little Thanksgiving

Spent thanksgiving with the Grunder side this year. 
(my kids were at their dad's)

Got lots and lots to be thankful for this year.

Family: Oh my, where do I even start? So thankful to have such a great family.  And friends that are like family.  Awesomeness. 

Friends: You are so amazing.
Work:  A good job.  Good boss.  Flexibility. 
Writing:  Have built a foundation for doing online writing.  And building on previous experience of writing for print.  Another good thing. 
Dreams:  Still there.  And I'm getting braver about sharing them.  And living them. 
Community:  The feeling of being at home in my surroundings.  Good. 
Faith:  Has totally carried me through this year.  In a way that has been different from any other year.  I'm a stonger person than I was a year ago. 

Other random things I'm thankful for:
My cat.
Bottle of wine. 
Awesome neighbors!
Homemade pizza.
Tires that are not quite flat. (please don't be flat today. please don't be flat today)
The teachers at school.
The Olive Garden.
Calvary Church.
Scrapbooking stickers.
A big beer and the ultimate trio at Applebees.
Highlights in my hair.
Jr. High Sports.
Big Cozy Blankets.
My camera.

I really could go on and on. 
And on. 

But I'll stop. 
For now. 

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