Monday, September 5, 2011 the previous post

Guess what.

I got me one of those jay-ohhh-bee's.

And it is a good one. 

It is a job that I didn't really know that I wanted, but applied for a while back.  The pay seemed great and it is fairly local.  And part-time....

....which means I can keep up with the freelance work that I LOVE. 

I had a feeling when I first applied that the competition for a local, decent paying position would be fierce. 
It wasn't that bad.
I scored an interview.
And the interview was flawless. 
They even said they were hoping to find a qualified applicant who also had something else on the backburner....(like a freelance writer????) and was not worried about working 40 hours a week. 

I thought they were going to offer me the position during the interview.

But they didn't.  There is a process to these things, I guess.

Two days later I get a phone call and the conversation goes like this:

Potential Employer:  I wanted to thank you for interviewing with us...
Me:  (thinking this is the kiss-off call)
Potential Employer:  You were our selection for the position.
Me:  Really?  Great....for a second there, I thought you were telling me I didn't get the job.
Potential Employer:  Well....that part is coming.
And then he tells me how they had someone call in who was interested in transferring from a different office...meaning they already had the experience and the training.  (so basically this is the kiss off part)

I understood.  Totally.  But I was super bummed.  Because this particular job seemed like the answer to some of my prayers.  I was looking for a part time job that was preferably local that paid me enough so that I could count on a regular pay check...but still be able to take on writing assignments AS WELL AS have the time to launch this thing...this project/ministry that has been on my heart for...too long. 

But this job was not meant to be. 

So I spent all last weekend pouting and crying and wondering What now? 

I started trying to make plans for applying for other jobs.  Or vamping up the online writing and transcription that I do so I can add some more to the pocketbook.  This is fine, I concede; but doesn't leave me much time for other things. 

And the whole last weekend and week-long....I still felt God sort of whisper "JUST WAIT FOR Me." 

And I am all for what?  What. EXACTLY?  Because if I go tell my landlady that God is telling me to "wait" and that means she has to wait for the rent, I'm not exactly sure she is going to understand that.  I mean, I can see the rubber-truck people coming to take me away even as I ask the questions. 

And before you start to think that I am all crazy in the head...having these conversations/arguements with God that could suspicioulsy look like a bit of "crazy" to the casual observer.  And my kids.  And boyfriend.  And I'm not sure...but my  mom might have suspected a dash of "crazy" going on as well.

...but before YOU start thinking this. 

One week after I got the kiss-off call....I got another one.  From the Potential Employer.  Who asked if I was still interested in the position.  Because if I was...then the job is mine. 

So this weekend...I am thanking God for the job...and the fact that I am probably a little border-line in the "crazy" department. 

Crazy enough to wait for the job that is indeed an answer to prayer!

And that "other work" that is on my heart to do?  I can hardly wait to tell you about it!  But...I have to listen to the voice in my head...telling me to wait....for now.

I know...kind of crazy, huh? 

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