Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"We" Voted

I voted last night.  When I say that "I voted," what I really mean is that "we" voted.

And by "we" I mean me AND my 15-year-old son and my 14-year-old daughter.

I had to wait until after school, work and basketball practice so that these two could join me.

They both have been following the political race with more interest and smarter questions than many adult voters I know.

And if you know the Wildcat at all, then you already know his political views.
And you probably aren't surprised that when he was a kid, he chose to dress up like a president for Halloween.
And yesterday at the sophomore career fair, he was disappointed that there were not any representatives from the political world.

He follows this stuff...intently.
He knows more about it than me.
He stood in line with me last night long enough to go over the sample ballot with me.
And "instructed" me in how I should vote.
And he learned that there is a back side of the ballot, something he didn't understand last night....

but he told me in no uncertain terms that by the next presidential election....
he will know and will vote on the back side of the ballot with just as much knowledge as he votes on the front side.

As mama to these two...I am simultaneously filled with pride at their enthusiasm for wanting to be a voice and vote on issues...
....and I cried when I typed the sentence above about my kids being old enough to vote next time.

Where did the time go?

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