Tuesday, March 8, 2011

random time, random place

At the band concert last night, I ran in to a friend who I probably haven't seen since the last band concert. 
We got to catch up briefly before the start of the concert.....

Even though we don't see each other that often, every time we do, it's like we haven't missed a beat.  (pun intended)

In the very short time we had, we visited about what probably seemed like random-catching-up-on-our-lives-and-kids-conversation. 

But for some reason, our chance meeting at the band concert, and some things that she said....were exactly the words that I really needed to hear. 

She probably doesn't know it, and would understandably be freaked out if I said it to her.....but she was the miracle that God put in my life yesterday. 

By the way, the concert was great.

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