Thursday, July 28, 2011

Here's What's Up

For starters, it's time to start thinking about this again.....

Holy School Supplies, Batman!
We aren't done shopping yet, either. 

Back to school and back to work. 

Nathan is lifting weights and will be starting football next week. 

Marz is getting in some good girlfriend time with some friends she met at Spring Valley Bible Camp.

Claire is trying to grow up some more on me.....
....something that makes me simultaneously smile and cry.

And Tookie is packing for the last round of camp. 

And me....well, do you see that little twitter thing along the sidebar here?  That is because I am going to be corresponding with the QC Times by twitter this weekend as RAGBRAI rolls though our hometown. 

Which means I am LEARNING how to use twitter. 

Sometimes I think that anything "technology" is like a foreign language to me. 

Back to school has me thinking of back to work.
It was not an extremely profitable summer on the work-front.
So it is time to pick up the pace a bit. 
I am exploring some new work options to add to the writing work that I do.  I love freelance, but sometimes the paychecks aren't as regular as things like my electric bill. 
Just sayin'. 

Will you be out and about this weekend? 
Hopefully I will see you! 
(and take your photo and tweet about it)

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